I rush to mop up in a mix of ‘oohhs’, ‘sorry’s and a few bad belle giggles. I am hardly settled in my cubicle when I receive a test of my inherent goodness and matchless patience.
‘I don’t understand why you can’t make it on time. Anyway, get the ABD file and act on it. You had better get this done before the close of today o.’
The test is delivered with an I-am-your-senior smugness. Speaker and test-provider is who I’ll call ‘Senior’. She is about three years at the Bar. Yours truly, is barely one year.
Posh-Tall sent the file marked Senior and RL but since Senior is a firm believer in delegation; she’s done nothing about it. I’ve already drafted the motion for interlocutory injunction and plan to email it to her this morning after a final edit.
I really want to give her the pleasure of my sarcastic best but my better self prevails.
‘Oh, that, I’ll get it to you this morning’ - with a straight face, not ‘nicey nice’ but ‘good girl’.
I am beginning to suspect, I might just be a descendant of St. Monica of Hippo, patron saint for patience.
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